Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas traditions in France

Since we are very close to Christmas I decided to learn more about Christmas traditions in France and this is what I found… very interesting!!

In France, Christmas is a time for family and for generosity, marked by family reunions, gifts and candy for children, gifts for the poor, Midnight Mass, and le Réveillon.
The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region. Most provinces celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December

French children put their shoes in front of the fireplace, in the hopes that Père Noël (aka Papa Noël) will fill them with gifts. Candy, fruit, nuts, and small toys will also be hung on the tree overnight. In some regions there's also Père Fouettard who gives out spankings to bad children (sort of the equivalent of Santa Claus giving coal to the naughty).
Although fewer and fewer French attend la Messe de Minuit on Christmas Eve, it is still an important part of Christmas for many families. It is followed by a huge feast, called le Réveillon
Le Réveillon is a symbolic awakening to the meaning of Christ's birth and is the culinary high point of the season, which may be enjoyed at home or in a restaurant or café that is open all night. Each region in France has its own traditional Christmas menu, with dishes like turkey, capon, goose, chicken, and boudin blanc (similar to white pudding).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving dinner!!

Yareni De Anda

Le jour de Thanksgiving Moi et mon petit ami de la famille a mangé un gros dindon de farce en elle. Nous avons également eu des patates douces et de haricots verts. Mon plat préféré était la tarte à la citrouille et la crème glacée faite maison!
À la fin du repas, nous étions tous si plein, nous ne pouvions pas rester debout!
Nous avons eu un grand temps ensemble!